My Home Studio
"What can one say about one's home! Home is where the heart is.
While I love traveling to other cities and countries to teach courses and work with new people,
SFG is my favorite space to teach and move. To walk back into the 4th floor studio at the corner of 7th & Market St, is the same as walking back into one's house after a long vacation away.
Building SFG from the ground up has had a huge role in shaping me into the person I am today. I feel truly blessed to have been able to grow the studio with so much help from all the amazing trainers that have graced SFG, to create a healing sanctuary for clients, a learning space for the school program students, and training facility of aspiring trainers around the world!
Special shout out to Dr. John DeRoy, who originally opened the studio for the LINES Ballet dancers, and to Nora Heiber, who was the studio mentor alongside me in the early days, and who helped me find my voice."
- Debra Rose

Special thank you to all the studios who've hosted me over the years.
Thank you for building the spaces at each of your studios. I recognize the amount of work it takes to create something like that; it's truly an act of love, to be of service of to your students, trainers and clients.
When my studio originally opened as White Cloud West, counterpart to Juliu's first Gyrotonic Studio White Cloud in New York City, I remember thinking to myself, 'a studio for the East Coast, a studio for the West Coast, we're set!' I could've never imagined there being a world filled with Gyrotonic studios, and what a wonderful surprise it has been to witness the Gyrotonic community come to life.
There are many wonderful studios and Debra encourages you to broaden your scope and explore them all!
For more information or to find other studios near you, visit gyrotonic.com/studios.
Without these studios the system wouldn't be what it is today!
Listed below are the studios Debra frequents, and where she regularly teaches courses.
Studios in the United States
Studio Owner: Chris Luo & Lynn Huang
*Founder Emeritus: Debra Rose

New York City
Studio Owner: Chantal Deeble
*original owner:
Master Trainer, Leda Franklin
Studios in Europe

Barcelona, Spain
Studio Owner: Alba Marcos Fosch

Frankfurt, Germany
Studio Owners: Martin & Jennifer Lammerhirt